The story of Atmalogiya

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The Story And Transformation Of Atmalogiya

The International Academy Of Atmalogiya

Greetings, I am Atmalogiya

I am Atmalogiya – a contemporary system of knowledge about the meanings and significances of human life. Since all these lead to happiness, it can be said that I am a science of happiness, specifically, the happiness of modern humans. Despite being in my infancy, I already possess an identity, that allows me to present myself.
To put it succinctly, the happiness of the modern individual lies in being human, behaving humanely, and having humane friends and society. When it comes to personal happiness, it turns out that it lies within oneself – in the revelation of one’s uniqueness, discovering one’s true essence, and the aspiration to realize one’s personality.

the time has come for the New Human

It involves knowing and having one’s place in society and understanding, revealing, and perfecting one’s self.
The basic needs in Maslow’s hierarchy represent the happiness of Homo Sapiens, whose goal was survival, leading them to accumulate exclusively survival programs, involving struggle and competition.
Thus, the time has come for the New Human – the Homo Happiens of civilization, who will continue our evolution on entirely different principles and values, those that serve not merely survival, but life itself and its understanding.

The story and transformation of Atmalogiya

How was I born?

Since humans are inherently inquisitive beings who strive to create and craft things that support and enhance life, it would be accurate to say that Atmalogiya is a science of life. It explores what makes the living truly alive, what fills human life, and enlivens it.
How was I born? My existence has a Source, and it is a woman. Her name is Eva. Scriptures claim that Eve gave birth to all, and in her heart, a distant descendant of hers, an ordinary woman who yearned for happiness, gave birth to me, the science of a happy life.

In her pursuit of happiness, she learned extensively, read, experimented, traveled, researched, and practiced a great deal as a psychologist-psychotherapist.

Over time, she integrated knowledge from various disciplines into her psychotherapeutic practice…


Modern Psychology
Quantum Physics
Sacred Geometry
Spiritual practices of the East and the West

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